1. Prospective international student downloads and completes this enrollment application. Send the completed application form as an attachment to cristina@vermontchristianschool.com.
  2. Phone interview is set up with Cristina at 310-534-0260.
  3. Upon approval, student submits enrollment fee to cristina@thevermontschool.com through PayPal
  4. Vermont Christian School accepts or denies student admission
  5. Sponsor or parents must submit an Affidavit of Support and provide evidence of ability to meet student's financial needs. (Bank statement or copies of income tax returns will do.)
  6. Vermont Christian School issues I-20 for accepted students and delivers it to student through DHL letter delivery.
  7. Student takes I-20 and applies for F-1 Visa with American embassy/consular office.
  8. International student communicates to Vermont Christian School when his/her visa has been approved.
  9. Student pays first year tuition in full upon arrival to school.
Use the first two buttons on the right to download the required forms. Download the tips to prepare for the F-1 Visa interview.
Call us if you have any questions about the application process or the school application. You can email the completed application form.
*Visa Confirmation
If the applicant successfully passes the visa interview, flight details, and full payment will be due before the student’s arrival to the programs.
Visa Denial
If the applicant’s visa application is denied, please return the original I-20 to Vermont Christian School International Admissions with the visa denial letter by post for a refund.